Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much

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Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much

Textbook Questions Solved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Human body is made of which five elements?
Human body is made up of five elements. These elements are:

  1. Earth
  2. Water
  3. Fire
  4. Air and
  5. Space

Question 2.
What is the use of mineral salts in human body?
The mineral salts are very essential for a variety of bodily functions. They are important for –

  1. Building strong bones and teeth.
  2. They convert food we eat into energy.
  3. They maintain appropriate water balance in the body.
  4. They are responsible for health and proper functioning of the muscles.

Question 3.
Which disease is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin B-l?
Deficiency of Vitamin B-l causes Beri-Beri disease.

Question 4.
Anaemia occurs due to deficiency of which vitamin?
Deficiency of Vitamin B12 leads to Anaemia.

Question 5.
What is the prayer (mantra) recited before taking meal?
Prayer (Mantra) Recited Before Eating Meal

Brahmarpaan Brahma Brahmagarno Brahmana Hutam
Brahmaav Teen Destiny Brahmakarma Samadhi.
Om sah naavavatu, sah nau bhunaktu,
sah veeryan karavaavahai.
tejasvi naavadheetamastu
ma vidvishaavahai
om shaantih shaantih shaantih

Class 10 Physical Education RBSE Solutions Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
When and how should we eat food? Describe in detail.
Eating food is no less than a pure deed. So, it is very important when to eat food. For this, following facts must be kept in mind-

  1. The time of eating food should be fixed.
  2. The breakfast should be done only after getting rid of early morning activities.
  3. Some physical work/labour should be done before taking afternoon lunch.
  4. The food should be eaten in the evening before the sunset time.
  5. Food should be eaten only when you feel hungry.
  6. The proper time of eating food is only when you get hungry.
  7. Food should be eaten tension free. Only with pure mind and soul.
  8. Those persons whose digestion is not very good should eat food only once in a day. Rest of the day they should take light breakfast, milk, salad etc. or fruit juices.
  9. Food should be eaten after reciting the prayer. Prayer is done to thank everyone— from a farmer who has grown crops for us. To a vegetable seller who has sold the vegetables to us. To the person who has cooked the food for us. And finally, God, who has given us hunger to eat that food.
  10. Eat the food in clean utensils. Or clean up the object properly in which you are going to eat food.
  11. Clean up the space where you are going to eat your food.
  12. Wash your hands properly before eating food.
  13. Always eat pure and fresh food. Unfresh and impure food may lead to body problems / diseases.
  14. Do not eat food when you are angry. Always eat with a calm mood.
  15. Food should be properly cooked before eating.
  16. Wash knifes and other utensils for cutting of salads and keeping in it.
  17. We should eat food with family and friends. This promotes the feeling of love and sharing in oneself.

Question 2.
Describe different food items with the amount of calorie present in it.
By the help of below table, we can know the amount of calorie present in different food items –
RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much 1
RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much 2
Question 3.
What do you mean by balanced diet. Describe in detail.
The Balanced Diet contains all the nutrients in the required amount for a normal person. Balanced Diet Chart for Normal Working Adult Persons :

Protein70 g
Fat60 g
Carbohydrate545 g
Iron30 mg
Vitamin A5000 International units
Vitamin B1.5 mg
Vitamin B-11.5 mg
Nicotic acid20 mg
Vitamin C100 ml

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Solutions Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which is required for the balanced growth of the body?
(a) Balanced Diet
(b) Regular Exercise
(c) Nutrient food and exercise
(d) Proper control on movements
Answer: (c)

2. Which is most necessary for the survival of the living beings?
(a) Water
(b) Air
(c) Protein
(d) Vitamin
Answer: (b)

3. Deficiency of Vitamin ‘B-1’ causes –
(a) Scurvy
(b) Night-blindness.
(c) Beri-Beri
(d) Small-pox
Answer: (d)

RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the importance of Vitamin C for the body? Name some of the sources of Vitamin C.
It is necessary for the agility of the body, purification of blood, healthy bones, teeth and skin. Its deficiency may cause scurvy. It is found in grapes, tomatoes, lemon, orange, amla, sprouted pulses, green chilly, turnip, potato, banana, plum, pear etc.

Question 2.
Write the importance of Vitamin B for the body. Name some sources of Vitamin B.
Vitamin B: It is better known as ‘B’ complex because it consists of at least 12 vitamins named, as ‘B/, ‘B2’, ‘Bg’, ‘B12’ etc. They assist in the proper digestion of food and remove vision related diseases. It is very essential for the growth of body. Its deficiency causes Beri-Beri disease. Its sources are Egg yolk, yeast, rice, wheat, green vegetables, soyabean, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, milk, peas.

Question 3.
What is the importance of Vitamin D for the body? Name some sources of Vitamin D.
Vitamin ‘D’: Sun rays are the most important source of vitamin ‘D’. It strengthens bones and teeth and helps in the growth of hair. Its regular use keeps away whooping cough and small-pox. It is contained in milk, curd, butter, ghee, egg-yolk, fish liver oil etc.

Question 4.
What is a Balanced Diet?
A diet which has all the important nutrients required for the proper development of the body is called a balanced diet.

Question 5.
Why is water necessary for us?

  1. Water is very essential for the tissues of the body and for many chemical reactions within the body.
  2. is required for producing digestive juices.
  3. clears kidneys because it helps to throw out the wastes from the body as urine, faeces.
  4. regulates the temperature of the body by sweating and evaporation.
  5. forms a good solvent in which the food nutrients get dissolved and are digested easily.

Question 6.
Which disease is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin ‘E’?
Vitamin ‘E’ helps in retaining the normal reproduction energy in males and females. Its deficiency may cause impotency in men and sterility in women. It is found in sprouted wheat, meat, milk, butter, eggs and leafy vegetables.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Chapter 7 Balanced Diet-When and How Much Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
What does Vitamin imply? Name different vitamins.
Vitamin is the chemical compound of Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. It keeps body healthy and fit, and assists the body to use other nutrients and to act as a regulator. In the ‘beginning it was believed that only Proteins, Carbohydrates. Fats Water, Mineral salts etc are needed for the body but it was experimentally proved in 1881 that there are many more nutrient elements required for the survival of the man besides these five elements. These nutrients are known as vitamins. Though they are needed in small quantities, they play a vital role in keeping good health. Deficiency of Vitamins may cause many diseases. Some vitamins are soluble in water and some in fats. In case of deficiency of vitamins in our food body loses the power to fight the germs which cause diseases. Teeth, eyes and bones develop deformity if there is a deficiency.

Question 2.
Why do we eat food?
Our body needs to take for its survival some eatable substances from the environment. These substances or materials are used by the body to replace the spent out energy and they are known as food.
Food is of utmost importance for the body. No one can survive without food for long. Food is required to fulfill the following needs:

  1. Food produces energy for various activities in the body.
  2. Food helps in the growth of the body and repair and replacement of tissues.
  3. It provides materials to fight against diseases and thus protect the body.
  4. Food controls and regulates various activities of the body and keeps man healthy and free from diseases.

Question 3.
Write the importance of proteins and carbohydrates for the body and also mention some good sources of them.
Protein contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and mineral salts. They are found in milk, egg, butter, curd, maize, wheat, meat, fish, soyabean, peas, pulses, cheese, carrot, almonds, cabbage etc. Proteins increase mental energy. They help to produce digestive juices. They form the new tissues and repair the worn out ones. They produce immunity in the body to fight against diseases. Protein is very essential for children, pregnant ladies and the feeding mothers.

Carbohydrates are carbon compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. A healthy person needs 500 g carbohydrates daily. Carbohydrates give heat and energy to the body, maintain body temperature and help in building the muscles. They are found in rice, wheat, maize, barley, potatoes, turnip, carrot, peas, arrowroot, yam, arabi etc. and also sago, jowar, bajra, almond, cashewnut, mango, banana, sugarcane, dates etc.

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