Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 16 Physical Fitness Test-Battery Test
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 16 Physical Fitness Test-Battery Test
Test Textbook Questions Solved
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Give a brief account of the physical fitness.
Physical fitness is related with health. Health is basic to life and without good health it is not possible to expect optimum results. Health is dynamic and is always fluctuating between different levels of well-being and ill-health,
Question 2.
Write two objectives of physical fitness test.
- Measuring Muscular Strength
- Measure Maximum Running Speed
Question 3.
Write names of any four tests (physical test).
Height, Weight, 30 m Race, 6 × 10 m Shuttle Race.
Question 4.
State any three benefits of physical fitness test.
- It helps to assess the students about the physical condition.
- We can take steps to improve the physical condition of the students using these tests.
- This also leads to a better mental development as better nourishment can be provided to them.
Question 5.
Describe any two points to be remembered during the test of physical fitness.
Points to be remembered in case of physical fitness :
- Giving information before the examination.
- It is important to warm-up before the examination.
Question 6.
What is the objective of vertical jump?
Objective : To test the strength and physical fitness of leg muscles. This is a test of leg power.
Class 10 Physical Education RBSE Solutions Chapter 16 Physical Fitness Test-Battery Test Essay Type Questions
Question 1.
Write a detail account of physical fitness test.
The various tests for measuring physical fitness are :
- Height
- Weight
- 30 m start
- 6 x 10 m shuttle run
- Vertical Jump
- Medicine Ball Throw
- 800 m race
The physical fitness tests are conducted to measure muscular strength, physical endurance, speed, flexibility of body’s joints and the coordinative abilities of the central nervous system. The 30 m race is conducted to measure the running speed of the student. The shuttle race is conducted to test the humour and streadiness of a student. The vertical jump tests the strength of leg muscles. The medicine ball throw tests the strength of hand muscles. And the 800 m race tests the speed and strength of student.
Question 2.
Write two objectives of physical fitness test.
Two objectives of physical fitness test are :
- Measuring Muscular Strength
- Measuring Endurance Power
Muscular strength : It means ability of the muscles to overcome resistance. Strength also implies the amount of force a muscle or a muscular group can exert. A certain level of physical fitness is also essential for a common man whereas for a sportsman it is the most essential to have muscular strength. ,
Endurance : It is another component of physical fitness. It is the ability to sustain an activity or the ability to resist fatigue. In all sports, Endurance is, directly or indirectly of a great significance. It is measured, usually, by the number of repetitions, For example number of steps an individual can complete in one minute is often, used to measure the endurance of muscles.
Question 3.
During the test of physical fitness, what points are to be kept in mind?
Points to be remembered in case of physical fitness :
- Giving information before the examination.
- It is important to warm-up before the examination.
- Do not conduct the test just after meals.
- Provide appropriate uniform to the examinee.
- Do not conduct the test in bad weather.
Question 4.
Write the objectives of vertical jump, medicine ball throw, 30 m race, 800 m race, 6 × 10 m shuttle race tests.
(i) 30 m Race :
Objective : To measure the maximum speed of student.
(ii) 6 × 10 m Shuttle Race :
Objective : To test the humour and steadiness of a student.
(iii) Vertical Jump :
Objective : To test the strength and physical fitness of leg muscles. This is a test of leg power.
(iv) Medicine Ball Throw :
Objective : It is a test of hand power. To test the strength of hand muscles.
(v) 800 m Race :
Objective : To measure the speed and strength of student.
Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Solutions Chapter 16 Physical Fitness Test-Battery Test Additional Questions Solved
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Factor essential to examine physical fitness are –
(a) Muscular Endurance
(b) Flexibility
(c) Speed
(d) All the above
Answer: (d)
2. In order to judge the standard of students in physical education and games-sports the following test is conducted –
(a) Motor Ability Test
(b) Physical Ability Test
(c) Mental Ability Test
(d) None of the above
Answer: (a)
3. Vertical jump is one of the –
(a) Physical ability test
(b) Motor ability test
(c) Nerves ability test
(d) All of the above
Answer: (a)
RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions Chapter 16 Physical Fitness Test-Battery Test Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain ‘Endurance’ which is a component of Physical fitness.
Endurance : It is another component of physical fitness. It is the ability to sustain an activity or the ability to resist fatigue. In all sports, Endurance is, directly or indirectly, of a great significance. It is measured, usually, by the number of repetitions, For example number of steps an individual can complete in one minute is often, used to measure the endurance of muscles.
Question 2.
What does Physical fitness imply?
General well-being of the man is his physical fitness by virtue of which he is able to perform his daily activities with optimum results and without feeling fatigue and at the same time he draws pleasure from those activities and he still feels energetic to work in times of need.
Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Chapter 16 Physical Fitness Test-Battery Test Essay Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain the factors necessary to judge the Physical fitness.
There is no one opinion regarding the physical fitness but it is unanimously agreed that the effective and optimum fulfillment of one’s needs are based upon the following factors :
- Knowledge of Heredity health conditions.
- Emotional Stability.
- Satisfaction of needs for community living.
- Decision-making power in the context of changing circumstances.
- Balance of mind, spirit of mutual co-ordination and the state of respiration in view of day-to-day activities.
- Completion of daily routine activities and optimum use of skills. The above factors indicate the extent of a person’s physical fitness. It is necessary to impart physical education to the youths so as to teach them how to develop the above noted abilities.