Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam

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Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam

Textbook Questions Solved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by ‘yoga’?
Yoga means unification of Atma with Parmatma. Literally the term Yoga means Yoking
i.e., harnessing of oxen or horses.

Question 2.
Which asana affects the spine (merudand) of the body?
Bhujangasana affects the spine of the body.

Question 3.
Describe the steps in Dhanurasana.
Steps : Lie on your stomach. Hold your both feet with your hands making a back bend and postioning like a bow. Pull your both feet slowly slowly, as much as you can. Look straight ahead with a smile in your face. Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breadth. After 1 to 20 seconds as you exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground, and relax.

Question 4.
What is Kumbhaka?
Kumbhaka is the pause between an inhale and exhale. The state of holding the breadth is called Kumbhaka. It is referred to a state of no inhalation or exhalation.

Question 5.
State the advantages of Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama.

  1. It increases the supply of oxygen in the blood.
  2. It removes the physical and mental infirmities.

Class 10 Physical Education RBSE Solutions Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
What impacts do the yogasanas have on the health of a person. Discuss.
Impacts of yoga are as follows :

  1. It energizes internal organs of the body and as a result an individual lives healthy and long life.
  2. It strengthens immune system of the body.
  3. It makes body flexible.
  4. It develops mental and physical forces to control senses and to attain peace of mind.
  5. It helps in purifying blood in arteries.
  6. It helps in concentration.
  7. It is a non-violent activity and hence it elevates man’s morale.
  8. It gives vigour to or stimulates glands of the body and as a result there is a balanced development of the body.
  9. It is very useful to treat constipation, obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, headache etc.
  10. It helps in the physical, mental and spiritual development.
  11. There are no age and sex restrictions.
  12. It reduces exhaustion and gives peace of mind.
    Thus Yogasana is a means of all round development of man.

Question 2.
How many types of Pranayama are there? Describe in detail.
Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama :

(i) Position of the Body : Sukhasana, Padmasana or Ardha Padmasana.

(ii) Technique : Stretch the left hand on the left knee, rear of the wrist touching the knee make a circular shape with thumb and Index finger. This is Gyan Mudra. Lift the right hand up and press the right Nostril with the right thumb and place gently the little and the ring fingers on the left Nostril. Remove thumb from the right Nostril and breathe in slowly and then press the right Nostril and breathe out through the left Nostril by removing the two fingers. Now breathe in through left Nostril and press the Nostril with the two fingers and breathe out through the right Nostril and then again breathe in through this Nostril and breathe out through the left Nostril. Continue the process 10-15 times in the beginning and increase it gradually.

(iii) Caution : While breathing in, the lungs shall expand and while breathing out, the lungs shall contract. Do not breathe in forcibly.

(iv) Duration : 10-15 times, increasing gradually

(v) Advantages :
(a) It increase the supply of oxygen in the blood.
(b) It removes the physical and mental infirmities.

Shatkarma : Shatkarma are the six scientific yogic exercises to eliminate waste materials from the body and keep the body healthy.

These six exercises are :

  1. Neti
  2. Dhoti
  3. Wasti
  4. Kapaal Bhati
  5. Tratak
  6. Naule

Bhastrika Pranayama : Bhastrika, or “bellows breath” is a traditional breathing exercise which helps to increase ‘Prana’ or life force in oneself.

Bhramari Pranayama : Bhramari, i.e., “Bee Breath” is a very effective pranayama for ‘ the purpose of meditation. Performing this breathing exercise helps to induce a calming effect on the mind. This pranayama helps in reducing high blood pressure, fatigue, and mental stress.

Ujjayi Pranayama : Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and relax your mouth. Practice deep sessions of inhalations and exhalations. Feel the air passing through your wind pipe as you do the pranayama. During exhalation try to softly utter the sound “ahh” from your mouth. It is helpful in ear problems and for tonsils in nose and throat.

Kapaal Bhati :

  1. Position of the Body : Sit in Padmasana or Vajrasana with hands on both the knees.
  2. Technique : Breathe in slowly and gradually and breathe out (exhale) with thrust below the Navel point. Repeat this process 10-15 times in the beginning and then resume the position of rest.
  3. Caution : Do not put pressure on the part above the Navel point during inhalation or exhalation
  4. Advantages : (a) It purifies the respiratory tract. (b) Bad cold is cured.

Nadishodhan Pranayama : This pranayama purifies the pulse in the body. First in Singhasana, breathe in from the left side of nose then attain the state of Kumbhaka. Then, exhale slowly-slowly from the right side of nose. Now, inhale from the right nose. Attain the state of Kumbhaka and then breathe out slowly from the left side of nose. During the state of Kumbhaka, stop the breathe for 10 seconds and then, while breathing out, take 10 seconds to breathe out.

Advantages : Lungs become strong. Heart gets healthier.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Solutions Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mental equilibrium is maintained through –
(a) Thoughts
(b) Spirit
(c) Yoga
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c)

2. The paths of yoga are –
(a) Karma yoga
(b) Raaj yoga
(c) Gy an yoga
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)

3. It is not a part of Pathanjali’s Asthang yoga –
(a) Dharma
(b) Yama
(c) Mantra yoga
(d) Pranayama
Answer: (c)

RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What does Toga’ Karmsya Kaushlam mean?
Yoga Karmsya Kaushlam means efficiency in action which means Yoga.

Question 2.
What are the advantages of Dhanurasana?
Advantage : It strengthens the back and abdomen at the same time.

Question 3.
Write the procedure for Halasana.
Procedure :

  1. Spread the mat on the floor and lie down on it in normal posture.
  2. Exhale and inhaling, start raising both the legs upward and stop when they make angle of 90° with the floor.
  3. Exhaling raise the waist, lips and push the legs backward over the head. Try to maintain the balance.
  4. After exhaling completely, push the legs further back and try to touch ground with toes. Keep the toes stretched.
  5. Continue normal breathing.

Question 4.
What are the advantages of Kapaal Bhati?
Advantages :

  1. It purifies the respiratory tract
  2. Bad cold is cured.

Question 5.
What is the technique of Sarvangasana?
Technique : Spread the mat on the floor. Lie down in the supine position or lying on your stomach. Raise your legs slowly upward and bring it to 90° angle. Bring the legs towards head by raising the hips up. Raise the legs, abdomen and chest to form a vertically straight line. Place the palms on your  back for support. Place the chin against the chest. Maintain the position as long as comfortable. Slowly return back to the original position. While doing this, first lower down the hips with hands supporting your back. Now slowly, return to the original position.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Chapter 11 Yoga-Asana and Pranayam Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain clearly the process of developing self discipline.
Self-discipline can be developed by following Yama and Niyama :

(i) Yama: It symbolizes self discipline. There are five Yamas as –

(a) Non-Violence i.e., not hurting anyone by word, deed or thought.
(b) Asteya i.e., non stealing
(c) Satya or truthfulness
(d) Brahmacharya – Control over all senses. It also refers to celibacy
(e) Aprigrah or Non covetousness i.e., giving up all sensual pleasures.

(ii) Niyama (Self-Discipline) : There are five rules for it as :
(a) Saucha or Purity i.e., internal and external cleanliness of mind and body.
(b) Santosh or Contentment i.e., remaining contented in all favourable or unfavourable situations.
(c) Tapas (Penance or Austerity) i.e., control over all desires by thought, word or action.
(d) Swadhyay (Self evaluation or Self study) by exchange of views and study of sacred texts.
(e) Devotion or complete surrender to God i.e., constantly living with an awareness of divine presence.

Question 2.
Write the techniques of Pranayama?
Technique : Stretch the left hand on the left knee, rear of the wrist touching the knee make a circular shape with thumb and Index finger. This is Gyan Mudra. Lift the right hand up and press the right Nostril with the right thumb and place gently the little and the ring fingers on the left Nostril. Remove thumb from the right Nostril and breathe in slowly and then press the right Nostril and breathe out through the left Nostril by removing the two fingers. Now breathe in through left Nostril and press the Nostril with the two fingers and breathe out through the right Nostril and then again breathe in through this Nostril and breathe out through the left Nostril. Continue the process 10-15 times in the beginning and increase it gradually.

Question 3.
Explain the meaning of the concept of Yoga and give its any two definitions.
Term Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘Yug’ which means Union or to join. In other words Yoga means unification of Atma with Parmatma. Literally the term Yoga means Yoking i.e., harnessing of oxen or horses.

Yoga stresses on the concepts which promote physical, mental, moral and spiritual value. The Yoga concept has been defined from time to time as—
Pathanjali “Checking the impulse of mind is Yoga”
Ved Vyas “Yoga is attaining the pose.”

Question 4.
Write any ten points of significance of doing Yoga exercises.

  1. It energizes internal organs of the body and as a result an individual lives healthy and long life.
  2. It needs a small airy room and a very few equipments.
  3. It is a one-man exercise whereas other games and sports require two or more than two persons.
  4. It is not expensive.
  5. It strengthens immune system of the body.
  6. It makes body flexible.
  7. It develops mental and physical forces to control senses and to attain peace of mind.
  8. It helps in purifying blood in arteries.
  9. It helps in concentration.
  10. It is a non-violent activity and hence it elevates man’s morale.
  11. It gives vigour to or stimulates glands of the body and as a result there is a balanced development of the body.

Question 5.
Write about the procedure of Matsayasana.
Procedure : Bend the right leg and keep the right foot on the left thigh. Bend the left leg and place it on the right thigh. Lift your back, taking help of the elbows. Press palms and waist, raise the trunk and head. Then place the crown of the head on the floor. Place both the hands on the thighs and relax the elbow on the floor. Also, hold the toe with your fingers, if possible. Now the crown of head and lower body on the floor making an arc-like shape on the back. Release the fingers, thrust the palms on the floor. Raise the head and breathe slowly.

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