Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education

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Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education

Test Textbook Questions Solved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Physical Education?
Physical Education is a process by which changes in the individual are brought through movement experiences. To put simply, Physical Education is defined as a process of education through physical activity. The goal is the development of the individuals who acquire it through experience of motion.

Question 2.
Define Physical Education.
Physical Education is defined as a process of learning through physical activities designed to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills, knowledge and behaviors of healthy and active living.

Question 3.
When was All-India Sports Advisory Body set up?
In 1954, the All-India Sports Advisory Board was set up.

Question 4.
What is the art of archery?
Archery is an activity where you shoot an arrow from a bow. It is the sport, practice or skill of using a bow to propel arrows. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity.

Question 5.
Who were the prominent wrestlers of the Mahabharata period.
Balram, Sri Krishna, Bhim, Jasarandh were prominent wrestlers.

Class 10 Physical Education RBSE Solutions Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of physical education and its application during the Vedic period.
Physical Education is that branch of education which promotes integrated and coordinated development of man’s personality, idealises his morality, adds to his efficiency, inspires him with the spirit of patriotism, adventurism etc. and cultivates values of high moral conduct.

The Vedic Period – The Vedas give the description of the Aryans who had come to India from the middle Asia and were settled here. The Vedas are not only the religious scriptures but they also give the true picture of the social, political and geographical life of the Aryans living in India of that period.

Strength is believed to be Brahma’s power i.e., supernatural power. A powerless person cannot attain that supreme or divine power. Power (Strength) is indispensable for the elevation of soil. The Aryans’ means of recreation and physical exercises were hunting, horse riding, dancing on rope, tumbling and twisting.

Yoga is believed to be the child of the Veda period. Pranayama was considered as religious liability. It was through Pranayama that the Sanatana Rishi Munis could experience sensual vision. Mining, digging activities etc. were performed to gain physical strength. Muni Agastey wished for his mental strength while digging earth with axe.

Today’s art of Boxing is much of the same as the Mushti war of the Vedic period.

Question 2.
Describe the history of physical education in India before the Independence.
India has had a long history of physical education. We should remember the heroes that India gave to herself who represented not only great qualities of courage and valour. But they also depicted qualities of physical strength and excellence. The systematic progress of physical education can be traced back from the recommendations of the central advisory board of education, which was constituted to-investigate and advise the government, on the co-ordination of activities in the field of P.E. Prior to independence, the government of India had taken following steps for the encouragement of physical education such as –
(i) The establishment of All India Council of Sports
(ii) Setting up of State Sports Councils in different states.

Question 3.
Write an account of the history of physical education in India after the independence.
With the dawn of independence in India many reformatory measures were introduced to overhaul the political condition and the education policy of India. Though education has been included in the state list yet the overall responsibility lies with the central government.

Afterwards the Adhoc Survey Samiti for games was formed. This samiti reviewed ‘the progress made so far and reorganised The Sports Advisory Body as well as organised many sports associations so as to promote economic cooperation. Many higher Physical Education Institutions were set up.

These institutions are imparting Physical education to players in the different corners of India. They are found in almost all the states of India. There are about 200-250 such institutions in the whole of India. In order to train the players and the coaches for different sports, Shri K.L. Mali was the first to start in 1961 the National Sports Institute in Patiala city of Punjab (Motibagh). It was later named as the Netaji Subash National Institute of Sports. The above institute is presently conducting one year coaching Diploma and 2 years’ master of coaching programmes.

Question 4.
Physical education promotes all-round development in man. Discuss.
Man is the most creative and active creation of the universe. His/her development process starts with his/her birth on the earth and continues to evolve, gradually till the last. The early man’s activities were related with his search for food and a mechanism for his self defense. Thus his physical activities were, basically, concerned with his needs for survival.

His physical activities became multifarious with his cultural, emotional and social development. As the early society evolved, passing through many imperfections to reach the perfect state of development, physical activities too took a big turn from the preliminary and simple activities for survival to the well organised, systematised and well regulated activities, and they came to be known as Physical Education, in their integrated form.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Solutions Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The term ‘physical’ indicates body characteristics like
(a) Strength
(b) Speed
(c) Health
(d) All of these
Answer: (d)

2. Physical education is an education for –
(a) Body
(b) Mind
(c) Both body and mind
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

3. Sports Advisory Body was set up to promote
(a) economic cooperation
(b) mutual understanding
(c) better opportunities
(d) raise funds
Answer: (a)

RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the meaning of physical education.
Physical Education is defined as a process of learning through physical activities designed to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills, knowledge and behaviors of healthy and active living.

It aims at physical development but also at the development of the individual as a whole i.e., development of motor skills, physical abilities, knowledge, reasoning, appreciation of values etc.

Question 2.
For what purpose, the Central Advisory Board for Physical Education was set up?
In order to promote the development of physical education and activities, in 1950 the education ministry of the government of India set up The Central Advisory Board for Physical Education.

Question 3.
Give an account of physical education in Rajput period.
The Rajput Period – It was the period of revival for the Hindu religion and this period was also known as the Shaurya (bravery) period. The Rajputs were very arrogant and obstinate by nature. They continued their dominance over India till the 13th century. The Rajput children were trained from their early childhood to chop off the animal’s head with a sword in a single attempt. Their main exercises and popular games included Equestrian (horse riding), Javelin-throw, archery, wrestling, hunting, clubbing etc. The Rajput girls were given training in sadle-less horse riding.

Chess was played as a game of recreation, Music and dance formed an inseparable part of the life of The Rajputs.

Question 4.
Describe the importance given to Physical Education in Nalanda.
Nalanda was the reputed education centre where about 6000 students studied. Special emphasis was given to various programme of physical education to promote good health besides imparting education in the scientific, religious, Pauranic and intellectual courses of studies. Pranayama and Suryanamaskara were the regular features of curriculum. Walking was considered the best exercise for health. Often the competitions were held in Yoga exercises, sword feats, wrestling, equestrian etc.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Chapter 1 Meaning and History of Physical Education Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the use of physical education in Mahabharata period.
The Mahabharata Period: During this period i.e., between 3000 B.C. to 300 B.C. exercises were considered the utmost favoured means of making body strong, stout and healthy. Wrestling and clubbing (macing) were widely known exercises. It was compulsory for all the Kashtriya princes to get knowledge of various wrestling techniques, such as Aakarshnam, Bahunamoolam, Greeva, Vikarshnam, Paryasan, Padpahar, Mahivyajanam, Bhiybandh etc. All the Kshtriya princes were fond of wrestling. Shri Balram and Shri Krishna were the great wrestlers. Bhim and Jarasandh too were adept in wrestling. Once they continued their arena war for about 15 days. Aijuna was a great archer of that periocf. Duryodhana, Bhim and Jarasandh were highly skilled in clubbing (macing).

The Chakra exercises too were a common feature of this period. Axe, Pestle, Plough, stick, Club etc. were the chief weapons used during the Mahabharata period. It was during the Brahmacharya Ashrama that an extensive and elaborate practice was given to the princes in handling and holding these tools and equipments. A great respect was accorded, to the physically strong and powerful persons in the society.

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